Submission by Internet
Prepare your paper in the form of a self-contained pdf file (with the extension .pdf).
Pdf files are preferred because pdf is supported on all platforms.
You may wish to consult the FAQ How do I create a pdf file of my paper?
The file size should be less than 4 MB. If you wish you may compress the file in zip format (with the extension .zip)
or gzip format (with the extension .gz).
Use your browser to go to the website of the PaperCept paper review management system.
Follow the link "Submit and upload a new paper."
Complete all the fields.
For a special issue submission, select the appropriate Guest
Editor. In all other cases, submit to the Editor-in-Chief.
Browse for the location of the file on your computer at the field "Locate your file."
Check the box that you accept the conditions for submitting the paper.
Click the button "Submit" to submit the paper.
After successfully submitting the paper you will receive
an acknowledgment by e-mail. The password supplied in this email
message will allow you to log into the system to monitor the review
status of your paper.
You may expect to see the status of your paper change over time from "Received" to "Under review"
and eventually to "Decision pending." You may also update your contact information and correct
the paper information if necessary.
In due time the Editor who handles your paper will notify you about the publication decision.
If the Editor who handles your paper requests you to revise and resubmit your paper then please do this.
Prepare a revised version of the paper in pdf format in accordance
with the instructions of the editor.
Prepare a response to the comments of the reviewers,
Associate Editor and Editor in the form of a text file (with the
extension .txt) or pdf file (with the extension pdf. Without this response you
cannot upload the resubmission.
The combined file size should be less than 4 MB.
If you wish you may compress the files (separately) in zip format (with the extension .zip)
or gzip format (with the extension .gz).
Use your browser to go to the website of the PaperCept paper review management system.
Log in using your paper number as user name and the password that has been assigned to the paper. Follow the link "Resubmission".
Type a brief cover message to the editor into the box that is supplied for this purpose.
Browse your computer to locate the appropriate files on your computer at the fields "Manuscript file" and "Author's response".
Click the button "Upload" to submit the paper.
After resubmitting the paper you will receive an acknowledgement by e-mail.
Again you may expect to see the status of your paper
change from "Received" to "Under review" and eventually to "Decision
pending" until you hear from the Editor who handles your
If the editor who handles your paper invites you to
prepare and submit your paper in final form then please
read the information reported HERE
and follow the guidelines below.
Prepare a revised version of the paper in pdf format in accordance
with the instructions of the Editor. This file is for cross-checking only and will not be used
for the final publication.
- Respect the allowed
number of pages, which is four pages for a non-technical contribution,
three pages for a practitioner corner contribution and eight pages for
a technical feature. Notice that the paper will be re-typeset and
therefore it will be difficult to estimate its length beforehand. As
an indication, a “typical” eight page magazine article
contains 4000–5000 words (including ten references) plus five
equations and seven figures. Papers longer than the allowed space are subject to
a page charge of $250 per extra page.
- Check the format of final version of the
paper using
the Checklist for
the final version of accepted papers.
- If you wish you may
compress the file in zip format (with the extension .zip) or gzip
format (with the extension .gz).
- Prepare the source files of
the paper for submission.
For best results they should be Word, ASCII or Rich Text Format. IEEE now also
accepts LaTeX for magazines — the IEEE LaTeX style files and instructions may be found
here. Pack the file or files in a single compressed file
with the extension .zip or .gz. Include the original graphics files. The minimum
resolution should be 300 dpi for the desired final print size.
- Use your browser to go to the website of the
PaperCept paper review management system.
- Log in using your paper number as user name and the password that has been assigned to the paper.
Follow the link "Final submission."
- Follow the instructions to go to the IEEE Copyright site to transfer the
copyright of your paper to the IEEE. After having completed this do not forget
to click on the "Return" button on the "Congratulations" page to return to the
RAM submission site*.
- Type a brief cover message into the box that is supplied for this purpose.
- Browse your computer to locate the appropriate files on your computer at the fields
"Manuscript file" and "Source files."
After submitting the final version you will receive an
acknowledgment by e-mail.
- After the paper has been forwarded to the publishers you will be
contacted by e-mail or fax about the proofs in due time.
*Please note: If you are not authorized to transfer the copyright of
your paper then the IEEE copyright site will ask you to refer the request to an
authorized person. After completing this you will not be able to return
to the RAM submission site to complete the final submission. In this case, after
the authorized person completed the transfer, request a copy of the completed
and signed copyright transfer form (this is a pdf file) and send this to the
Editor-in-Chief of RAM. After the
form has been logged you will be able to submit the final version of your paper. |