FAQ - How do I create a pdf file of my paper?
What is pdf?Pdf − Portable Document Format − is a page description format developed and owned by Adobe. It is a compressed and adapted version of postscript. Pdf files have a much smaller size than the corresponding postscript files. To view pdf files you need Acrobat Reader. If this is not installed on your system then Windows and UNIX versions may be downloaded free of charge from the Adobe website http://www.adobe.com. Under UNIX you may also use xpdf to view pdf files. Recent versions of Ghostview (UNIX) and GSView (Windows) also support pdf. Pdf files are binary files, so make sure that you use the right setting when you transmit them by ftp. How do I create a pdf file of my Windows document?To convert your Windows document (such as an MS Word document) into a pdf file you need Adobe Acrobat. This is a commercial product. Acrobat 5 and later come with the Distiller printer driver and with PDFMaker for Word. Earlier versions of Adobe Acrobat supported pdfwriter, which is no longer recommended. The instructions below may vary slightly according to the version of Acrobat that you are using. If you wish to use PDFMaker for MS Word to create a pdf file from your Word document then follow these steps:
To use Adobe Distiller follow these steps:
Lately several other products besides Acrobat have become available to create pdf documents. Scientific Workplace users bewareIf you create a pdf document from your SWP TeX file then make sure that all fonts are embedded in the pdf file. If you do not use this option then the pdf document will not look the way you expect it to and the equations will not be readable on computers that do not have the SWP fonts installed. See the Technical Support Knowledgebase of MacKichan Software at http://www.mackichan.com/ How do I convert a Postscript file to a pdf file on my Windows PC?These are several ways to convert a postscript file to a pdf file on a Windows PC:
How do I create a quality pdf file of my LaTeX document under Windows or UNIX?Under Windows, quality pdf files may be created using a recent version of the distribution MiKTeX of TeX. Under UNIX, quality pdf files may be created using a recent version of the teTeX distribution of TeX. With both distributions, first prepare the dvi file, and then use these commands: dvips -Ppdf -G0 mypaper.dvi ps2pdf mypaper.ps Do not omit the two options from the dvips command. If necessary you may include the additional option -tA4 or -tLetter in the dvips command to control the paper size. In both distributions there also exists the command pdflatex mypaper.tex but this does not always work reliably. Recent versions of ghostview (UNIX, distributed with ghostscript) and GSView (Windows) can also read and display pdf files. Good resolution of documents produced from LaTeX may also be achieved by using standard postscript fonts instead of Computer Modern fonts. To this end, insert a command such as \usepackage{times} or \usepackage{mathptm} in the preamble of the LaTeX2e source file. This also makes the pdf files much smaller. Free conversion to pdf on the web: ps2pdf.com and goBCL.comThere are various sites on the worldwide web that offer free conversion to pdf.