Welcome to the
Robotics & Automation Society Magazine Submission and Review System
IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine (RAM) was established in 1994 by the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society to provide a forum for publications which lay between the academic and theoretical orientation of scholarly journals such as the IEEE Transactions on Robotics & IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering and the vendor sponsored trade publications. RAM has consistently ranked by Thompson Journal of Citation Reports as among the top four Robotics publications world wide. For more information about RAM click HERE
You must use the PaperCept review management system to submit a paper for possible publication in the magazine by completing a simple form on-line and uploading a pdf or postscript file directly from your computer. After having submitted your paper this way you will receive an acknowledgement of your submission by e-mail. For information concerning a special issue click HERE. You will also receive a password that together with the number that is assigned to the paper will allow you to log in to the system
- to monitor the status of your paper,
- to contact the editor who handles the paper,
- to update your contact and paper information if necessary,
- to submit a revised or final version of your paper upon the request of the editor who handles the paper.
Before submitting your paper consult the Information for authors. Also check the list of editors to see which of them can best handle your paper.
To submit a new paper follow the link Submit and upload a new paper. To submit a revised or final version follow the link Log in and use the login information you received previously.
Reviewers and the editorial staff may log in by following the Log in link and using the login information they received. |